NMIX 4020
Week 1:
HTML Basics
Lists, Links, & Font
Week 2:
Exercise A: CSS Intro
Exercise B: CSS Text Styling
Week 3:
Basic Box Stuff
Homework Exercise: Build a Valentine
Basic Box Class Exercise
Week 4:
Flexbox and More
Simple Example
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
Nested Flex Boxes
Javascript Intro
Week 5:
Arrays etc.
Introductions to Arrays. Exercise 1
Build a slideshow with arrays. Exercise 2
Fortune Teller
Week 6:
Project 1
Boolenans and Conditionals
Conditional Exercise
Controlling CSS with Javascript
The Basics
Week 7:
Objects, nested arrays, and more
Object Exercise
Assignment: make an object and put it to work!
Week 8:
Nested Objects
Feeling lucky? Let's play cards!
Assignment 3: Corona Virus Blues
Week 9:
APIs for Fun and Treasure
Display Multiple Random Trivia Questions (and answers)
Week 10:
Project 4: Extract json data about YOU and your classmates
JavaScript Jamboree Jukebox!
Vue Lesson 2-4
Week 11:
Vue Lesson 5
Vue Lesson 6
Vue Lesson 7
Vue Lesson 8
Intro to Vue
Vue Part 2
Vue the Cats
Vue 3: Even More Vue
Week 12:
Vue 4: Components
Vue 5: Computed Properties
Part 1
Part 2
Vue 6: The Dawgs API
Part 1
Part 2
Week 13:
The Cat API
Project 6: Cat Components
Week 14:
Final Project: Movie Search